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Odd Epiphone acoustic / electric pickup
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Author:  Chris Pile [ Fri May 26, 2017 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Odd Epiphone acoustic / electric pickup ... sort=3&o=3

OK, to start the 3 day weekend off with a bang, I picked up some work today..... I have a strange oval soundhole Epiphone cutaway acoustic (PR-795AE) with an electric pickup mounted in the soundhole with a bracket. The problem is someone has broken the ears off the pickup cover and reglued them with superglue. AND then broken them off again. The threads in the aluminum mounting plate are stripped, too. It's a mess. Has anyone ever seen anything like this? And if so - do you have parts? Like another plate and pickup cover?

I am afraid to see if the pickup has been superglued into the cover. What's really dumb is the ears on the pickup have threaded brass inserts in them, and then the mounting plate is threaded. Only the plate should be threaded. Not to mention, there are 3 different springs in the assembly - I have no idea which one is correct.

Any info, guys? Or shall I cut the wires and install a Bill Lawrence or Seymour Duncan soundhole pickup and call it good?

Author:  Chris Pile [ Mon May 29, 2017 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Odd Epiphone acoustic / electric pickup

Never mind. I fixed it. Kinda.
It was a useless endeavor anyway, because the pickup just barely works.
AND the pickup WAS superglued into the cover.
I curse whoever worked on this poor thing before me.
But it plays great now!

Author:  Hesh [ Tue May 30, 2017 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Odd Epiphone acoustic / electric pickup

Good going Chris.

Prior work by someone else for us is often a red flag of a longer walk on a shorter pier so-to-speak....;) We try to catch it while the client is present during triage so their expectation is set that this may cost more or require replacement, etc. What we try to do doesn't always happen though as I am sure you can relate. Some of these things only become apparent when you start disassembling and likely cussing up a storm.....

It may be that the most common expression heard in our shop is WTF.....:)

Author:  Chris Pile [ Tue May 30, 2017 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Odd Epiphone acoustic / electric pickup

Let's just say I did a lot of yelling when it came time to reassemble. Thank goodness Dad was around to help me insert the jack.....

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